
Wealth Management: The digital shift

Deloitte's recent study in conjunction with ESI ThoughtLab – Wealth and Asset Management 4.0 – show that 40% of clients now say digital access has greater importance in decision making.


What are the Top Storage Trends for 2022?

The threat of cyber-attacks has reached such a feverish pitch that 66% of Fortune 500 CEOs named it their #1 business threat in the Fortune 500 CEO survey in mid-2021.


How to harness machine learning for investment strategies

Since September 2020, LOIM has collaborated with data vendor Reuters/Refinitiv and French machine-learning start-up Ai for Alpha in a research partnership made possible by a grant from the European Institute of Innovation & Technology


The future of digital banking in Asia

The Covid-19 pandemic has served to reinforce the strength of digital banking across the region and provided the necessary impetus for the sector to mature.