The report ranks Geneva as the world’s third largest fintech hub, recognizing the city for its political stability and legal framework, and technological environment.
Innovations in healthcare, online learning and fintech continue in Africa during the pandemic, Lydiah Bosire writes
Nitin Rakesh, a distinguished leader in the IT services industry, is the Chief Executive Officer and Director of Mphasis.
Irish talent tech firms are supporting HR and organisational development departments at global firms as they examine how a push for employee development, behavioural change and organisational transformation can help businesses build strong capability for
Changing customer expectations, an erosion of consumer trust, and regulatory influence will drive banking to be invisible, connected, insights-driven, and purposeful by 2030
Indeed, ITDMs confirmed they are losing, on average, more than $1m annually due to poor data management.
It provides a useful and highly secure way of authenticating information, identities, transactions, and more – creating a super-secure record that can be updated in real-time.
Meaning, banks who hesitate to innovate and provide technology-driven, digital financial services will be overlooked by this next generation.