
What is slowing banks' digital transformation?

Lightico CEO Zviki Ben Ishay provides a look at some of the obstacles banks face, including organizational resistance, scalability issues, legacy IT systems and fears about compliance.


British Property Technology Firm Notches £1M

“We wanted to alleviate this by developing new tech that automates the mundane duties of managing property portfolios and provides instant insight into how well each house or flat is performing.”


Open Banking is gaining momentum in Bahrain, Mena

Various Open Banking awareness campaigns have been rolled out in the region, including educational campaigns, a virtual resource hub, and new job opportunities within the FinTech sector.


‘Deep State’ or technology?

They believe that in any government there is a group that wields real power outside the conventional checks and balances of the system.


The Fintech Ecosystem of Dubai in 2020

There have been noticeable investment wins for Dubai, both in foreign direct investments (FDI) and also within the wider fintech ecosystem.