In a new report from its technology research team, based on conversations with chief information officers (CIOs) around the world, Deutsche Bank pinpoints the jobs that belong in each category.
Compared to Americans, 5 percent more people in Malaysia are comfortable with opening financial accounts on a mobile device, and 7 percent more compared to Canadians.
With 15,000 employees and 4 million clients across Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Russia, MB Bank had to step up in providing customers with high-speed online services, while continuously improving business processes to support compliance.
Daniel Navia, global director of sustainable solutions at BBVA, says: “Consumers are increasingly demanding that companies protect the environment, and companies are increasingly requiring their suppliers to have an environmental policy.
Online services have the potential to bring in customers, help cut costly branches and pare workforces, while also making it harder for new competitors to poach clients with the allure of better technology.
Finalists were recognized for their innovative use of technology to solve a significant industry problem, generate cost savings, or improve efficiency across the investment value chain.
Businesses are beginning to see the benefits that open banking can bring to their operations, and many are seizing the new opportunities it provides, going beyond existing borders.
The three programmes target startups with two to five founders that are still in an early stage of conception and aim to impact Africa through innovative services, products, and business models.