The business assumed its current name in 2014, a decision that coincided with a major transformation that closed every brick-and-mortar branch except one and evolved it into a digital-first organisation.
This global, networked pattern of cybercrime is further reflected in mobile attack rate growth, which is heavily influenced by a global bot attack targeting mobile app registrations.
“This acquisition was the springboard for the creation of a new division, Altron Security, which will allow us to begin to offer solutions in identity management," Altron chief executive Mteto Nyati said.
As it took investigators a while to respond, HYAS asked the identified Dynamic DNS provider to sinkhole the control servers behind the malware attacks in order to at least stop the malicious activity.
To be launched later this year, the scheme will initially be voluntary, administered by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore.
While the system will stop short of passing judgment on organisations or individuals, schemes will be able to see information that has been considered a ‘red flag’ during due diligence processes conducted by other parties.